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Alberta, let’s celebrate our refugees.

Wear an Orange Ribbon in June.

Refugees have overcome unimaginable challenges.

This June, during World Refugee Month, we wear an orange ribbon to celebrate the strength, courage, and resilience of refugees and all that they have contributed to our province.

Through education, awareness, and outreach, the Orange Ribbon campaign not only challenges negative and inaccurate myths about refugees, but celebrates the contributions that refugees have made in Alberta.


Since 2015, over 7,000 refugees have arrived to our province, with over 40,000 arriving to Canada. Amongst recent global headwinds of closed-mindedness and social exclusion, Albertans need to commit that welcoming, supporting, and celebrating refugees is vital to the richness of our province.


The Orange Ribbon campaign speaks to the shared values of celebrating and nurturing a welcoming and inclusive environment that is appreciative of diversity.

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June 20th is

World Refugee Day

By wearing an orange ribbon we acknowledge a commitment to learning about the lived experiences and challenges faced by refugees, committing to their long-term integration and successful resettlement in Alberta, and celebrating the contributions that they have made to Alberta.

Are You in?

Learn More About Refugees


Who are Refugees?

We live in a globalized world. Today, we are amongst the greatest refugee crisis in the world, where 1 out of every 113 people in the world is considered to be a refugee.


it is vital to understand the definition of the term "refugee," which according to international law is specifically someone who is fleeing armed conflict or persecution and has sought refuge across international borders.


The UNHCR puts it plainly: "These are people for whom denial of asylum has potentially deadly consequences." Misunderstanding the term can have dangerous consequences for refugees, and often gives way to political debate and xenophobia in place of relief during a humanitarian crisis.


Why it Matters?

In 2017, over 43,500 refugees came to Canada. Between 2015-2017, Alberta settled just over 7,000 refugees, including 3,400 in Calgary. After decades of welcoming refugees, Alberta is now home to thousands of resettled refugees from multiple different countries, contributing to the diversity of our province.


Developing both an awareness and understanding of the complex nature of the refugee is important toward acknowledging the international community's role in aiding the refugee population.


While the media's focus is often on Europe and the number of refugees in Canada, it's important to raise awareness of the fact that the vast majority of refugees are displaced in Middle Eastern countries, such as Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan, where massive populations are living in camps near the borders.


The continuous daily influx puts incredible strains on host countries and their resources, especially small countries like Lebanon, which at the onset of 2016 had about 1.3 million refugees, while the country itself only had a population of 4.5 million.

Additionally, with 21 million people and 1.2 million in immediate need, there are more refugees from countries around the world now than at any point since WWII.


The time for awareness and understanding has perhaps never been greater.


When it comes to the refugee crisis, a lack of awareness can result in fear, marginalization, and prejudice prior to these refugees even arriving.


This Orange Ribbon campaign seeks to be a voice within the Alberta that spreads awareness, enhances education, and celebrates the strength, courage, and resilience of refugees and all that they have contributed to our rich province.



Wear Your Ribbon

June 20th is World Refugee Day. Show your support this World Refugee Month by wearing an Orange Ribbon.

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For more information on how you can run an Orange Ribbon Campaign at your workplace or school contact us at or 403-805-1750

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